‘Limbo’ is a fanart publication of HEJ Fanart Society, 2023.

Original: Axis Powers Hetalia

Language: Mandarin

Author: Topia

Illustration: Sting

Visual Design: Ivy Chen


"Limbo" (灵舶) is a novel set in medieval Northern Europe. The cover design features Norway's Nidaros Cathedral, while the back cover depicts the mythical River Styx. The concept of "Limbo," a religious notion, is ingeniously translated into Chinese as "灵舶" (Spirit Vessel), symbolizing a ferry navigating between the realms of the living and the dead.

In the cover design, I employed a silver foil stamping technique to represent the "river," enhancing the mysterious ambiance of the work while adding visual depth. The title typography seamlessly blends Blackletter style with Chinese characters. The overall layout artfully incorporates both religious and Viking cultural elements, creating an intriguing visual synergy with the traditional Chinese characters.

《灵舶》(Limbo)是一部以中世纪北欧为背景的小说。封面设计以挪威著名的尼达罗斯大教堂(Nidaros Cathedral)为主题,封底则呈现冥河意象。"Limbo"作为一个宗教概念,其中文译名"灵舶"在本书中则暗示了在生者与死者世界间往来的渡船。



Soap White


Wild World